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Business India

The magazine of the corporate world

India's business leaders have grown up on Business India. Over the years they have nurtured a special attachment to magazine. Business India continues to be their most trusted source of information for those who have made it; and to those who inspire tomorrow's business leaders.

A few quotes:

"Business India was launched at a time when writing about industry and business was not in vogue. Over the years, the magazine has retained its premier position and is known for its engaging style to inform incisively on the growth of Indian industry and business. The journal is a true reflection of the vibrancy of the Indian economy."

Mr. K. V. Kamath
Managing Director and CEO
ICICI Bank Limited

"Over the years, Business India has become an institution in itself. Its comprehensive and incisive coverage of issues makes it a must read and adds tremendous value to the reader."

Mr. Kumaramangalam Birla
Aditya Birla Group

"I view Business India as one of the most trusted resources for information, opinion and news on Indian business. The concise and incisive reporting and opinion makes it a compulsive read."

Mr. Ravi Venkatesan
Chairman and Vice President
Microsoft India (R&D) Private Limited.

"Business India was the first Indian business magazine that I started reading and it continues to be my first choice. I like what they cover and more so what they say."

Mr.Anil Kapoor
FCB-ULKA Advertising Pvt. Ltd
Nirmal, NarimanPoint, Mumbai

"Business India stands for some serious business journalism. It has resisted populist sensationalism over the years. Its content offers useful insights into Indian industry."

Mr. Prem Mehta
Managing Director & Vice Chairman
Lowe Lintas Partners

"Its is indeed an honour for me to have been selected for this coveted award. At times like these, one tends to introspect a little bit and ask oneself whether one's own achievements are worthy of such recognition.

When it arrives, however, it helps to reaffirm that one is on the right track!"

Mr. Deepak Parekh
Businessman of the year, 1996

"There is something to said about an Award that, in its 23rd year, continues to gain in stature and credibility, year after year

To be adjudged as Business India's Businessman of the Year is a sure shot route to instant stardom in Corporate India, if indeed there is such a thing. And, what has made this Award so venerable is, I believe, the rigour and integrity of the selection process.

I will say unhesitantingly that this is a dream that has come true. I feel both deeply honoured and humbled to have been named Business India's 22nd Businessman of the Year."

Kumar Mangalam Birla,
Aditya Birla Group
Businessman of the year, 2003

"Mr Ashok Advani and your team at Business India- I compliment you for your vision. When you instituted this award 25 years ago, you broke new ground.

In those days, celebrating corporate success was neither fashionable nor done. Thanks to your perseverance and untiring efforts, achievements of business leaders and companies have gradually gained the respect and recognition that they have always deserved.

To be selected as Business India's Businessman of the Year is very special to me because among the doyens of Indian industry who have been past recipients of this award, are some of my role models."

Baba Kalyani,
Chairman & Managing Director,
Businessman of the year, 2006